Rachael Ferranti

VP of Corporate Marketing

Rachael has more than 10 years of experience in content writing and B2B tech marketing. A believer in the power of words, experience, and design to transform technical concepts into relatable stories, much of her focus is on how marketers can achieve more authentic connections with their audiences. She covers topics such as effective audience engagement, diversity and inclusion, and the roles of empathy and trust in marketing.

Articles by Rachael Ferranti


As AI adoption charges on, two CIOs share their hopes and hesitations

It came as no surprise when we released the 2024 State of the CIO that artificial intelligence loomed large on the CIO’s radar this year. In fact, with 80% of CIOs citing AI as their number one area of involvement this year (up from 55% in 2023), it’s toppled security from the top spot for [...]

  • Content marketing
  • Executive Voices
  • IT decision-maker
  • Tech leadership
B2B marketers have a tall order