According to the 2024 CIO Tech Poll: Tech Priorities research, 54% of CIOs expect their IT budget to increase in the next 12 months. To no surprise, the technologies where tech leaders anticipate their spending will grow the most is on AI-enabled technology (70%) and cybersecurity (68%) tools. The infographic below shares additional insight from the research to outline trends and challenges associated with technology adoption and further analyzes cybersecurity and AI activity.
These insights are aimed to help you create an effective and detailed marketing plan, as they outline the most important project that IT leaders are working on today and what business need is driving tech budget increases the most.
View the infographic below and click on the image to enlarge.

To learn more about what the CIO and the IT team is focused on, explore Foundry’s trending research. For more information on how Foundry can help you identify content gaps to help better engage with IT leaders, view our solutions. You also don’t want to miss this Foundry resource that outlines how to effectively sell to the CIO.