Based on Foundry’s 10th annual Customer Engagement research, this white paper provides insight into the content types and vendor engagement preferences of IT decision-makers (ITDMs). This year’s study found a generation gap among these preferences – older respondents are more likely to cite challenges to finding high-quality content and rate the content’s value significantly lower than their younger counterparts. Just 36% of Boomers said downloaded content provides value compared to 54% of Millennials and 60% of Gen Z.
This global research of 843 ITDMs is a valuable resource for tech vendors to understand how to best position their content for tech buyers and how to best engage with them throughout the purchase process. To assist tech marketers as they plan out their strategies for the year, we’ve detailed the findings in this white paper.
Download the white paper to get deeper insight into:
- The average timeframe ITDMs expect to be followed up with after filling out a form to learn more about a tech solution.
- How ITDMs value product demos and the formats that prove the best.
- When ITDMs respond to vendor outreach and the steps tech vendors should take to ensure communication.
- The content types and information topics of most interest when ITDMs are researching new solutions.
- Key takeaways from the research for each region (EMEA vs. APAC vs. North America