
Foundry vs. DemandScience

Your campaign is only as good as the audience data it’s built on. See how Foundry stacks up against DemandScience to deliver high-quality campaigns built on trusted audiences.

Reach real, relevant audiences across trusted sources

Trusted by tech marketers around the world

How Foundry stacks up vs. DemandScience

Data coverage

Broader and deeper global coverage to identify and engage your audience across industries, roles, and continents.

Partner marketing

We craft, execute, and deliver custom partner programs with measured results that scale, while still precisely targeting your audience.

Activation & engagement

Full funnel activation programs built on trusted audience relationships, across sources your buyers rely on most.


Trusted relationships power meaningful engagement

We know buying doesn’t happen in one place, or by one person, and that tech buyers rely on credible information sources to drive decisions.

Foundry integrates owned audiences built over 60 years in tech publishing to power 150M+ proprietary audience profiles and third-party audience network with rich intent data to help you surround buying teams and reach your in-market buyers on their go-to channels.


Driving scale on third-party channels

DemandScience relies on unlisted data sources and traditional methods to drive performance.

DemandScience, originally PureB2B, runs traditional content syndication, display ads, and other tactically traditional programs with a focus on scale over engagement, spanning their database 120M+ contacts across 23 industries.

Data volume & coverage

Why we win: With owned and operated audiences at our core, Foundry’s robust ecosystem of IT decision makers and tech buyers gives B2B marketers like you access to more relevant and engaged audiences around the world than DemandScience and other competitors.


Foundry proprietary audience profiles


DemandScience contacts

From San Fran to Seoul, engage audiences around the world

150M+ Global Foundry profiles

Foundry’s data spans far and wide for international insights and activation
  • 69M North America (45%)
  • 43M APAC (28%)
  • 32.6M Europe (21%)
  • 6.7M Latin America (4%)
  • 3.7M MEASA (2%)

120M+ Global DemandScience profiles

DemandScience’s data crosses the globe but doesn’t delve as deep
  • 75.8M North America (62%)
  • 22M APAC (18%)
  • 22.1M Europe (18%)
  • 3M Latin America (2%)
  • 0 MEASA (0%)

Partner marketing

Why we win: Our owned & operated editorial brands have extensive recognition and reliability within the industry, making it the first destination buyers go to for their tech purchasing needs.

Foundry partner programs

No matter the campaign or your marketing objectives, Foundry’s dedicated team delivers. We take all the different possible pieces and pull them into a custom solution, tailored to you and your partner’s needs, and powered by our proprietary data and third-party audience network.


DemandScience partner programs

DemandScience connects tech vendors with third-party cross-selling partners but lacks the legacy sources that top tech brands have confidence in.

Your partner marketers' go-to teammate from insights to iniatives

Activation & engagement

Why we win: Unlike DemandScience and other competitors’ services where your brand is served across exclusively third-party sites, Foundry’s programs rely heavily on credible, owned sites like and ComputerWorld as well as relevant, brand-safe sites to engage buyers and drive decisions across multiple trusted channels.


  • BrandHub brand-to-demand programs
  • Content marketing services
  • Intent data
  • Omnichannel lead engagement
  • Sales development
  • Digital advertising
  • Foundry events
  • Partner programs
  • Topic-based audiences
  • Email marketing


  • Content syndication
  • ABM display
  • PurePush: lead generation
  • Email distribution

Why marketers choose Foundry

Premium audience communities

Technology buying teams have relied on Foundry to deliver relevant content and peer-to-peer connections in premium online and offline settings for 60 years. Because we’re built to serve these ITDMs in an era-agnostic way, we continue to earn the trust of this buying community and can offer the unparalleled data insights that B2B marketers need to influence decisions.

  • Established brand destinations—not only third-party sites
  • 800+ must-attend global events annually
  • Rich digital and analog buyer intent data built on trust

Digitally engaged leads

Because DemandScience’s leads are often derived from outdated content syndication tactics, the leads they deliver often don’t remember engaging with your content or your brand. Foundry delivers qualified leads backed by intent and proven digital engagement with your assets. The result is leads that are compliant and ready to nurture, drive stronger pipeline, and are more likely to convert.

  • Proven digital engagement with your content
  • Reporting on content trends and against each qualified lead
  • Delivered compliantly, at scale, on time, and ready to nurture
ABM Buyers

Integrated ABM & orchestration

Intent data is most valuable when it is also actionable across trusted channels, which is where DemandScience falls short. Foundry offers its clients multiple activation channels—including managed service and self-service options—to seamlessly orchestrate and personalize ABM campaigns that keep prospects on the path of engagement.

  • Foundry Intent data incorporated directly into advertising and demand generation campaigns
  • Fully managed, self-serve, or hybrid activation available
  • Designed to work with B2B marketers’ and sales teams’ existing tools and processes

I am very pleased with the opportunities Foundry provided to us. Our marketing campaigns blew away the projected lead generation goals and produced a far more qualified lead than other marketing channels.

Kristy Slimmer, Director of Marketing, Galileo

Ready to surround global buying teams?

See why B2B marketers choose Foundry over DemandScience for more global audience activation across the full buyer’s journey.