Mary Batchelder

Marketing Director

With a diverse 7-year marketing background in ABM, social media, content, SEO, email, and more for B2B companies, Mary likes to know a little something about everything. As a martech software power user, she specializes in creating multichannel campaigns to grow pipeline. When not making sense of marketing data, she enjoys staying caffeinated and active.

Articles by Mary Batchelder


Integrating martech systems and data

Whether you’re building a house, a car, or even Ikea furniture, you’ll need a few tools to get the job done. The same applies to any successful B2B marketing strategy. To execute on it effectively, you’ll need the right marketing technology tools, also known as your martech stack.   However, the key to success isn’t just [...]

  • Intent data
  • Marketing tactics
Mastering intent data
Mastering intent data
Mastering intent data
Account-based sales series
Account-based sales series